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段涛教授还兼任世界围产学会理事、国际围产医学科学院理事、胎儿医学学会理事、中华围产学会前任主任委员、上海妇产科学会主任委员。是中华妇产科杂志编委、中华围产医学杂志编委、中华医学杂志编委、现代妇产科进展杂志副主编、中国产前诊断杂志主编、中国实用妇产科杂志编委、实用妇科与产科杂志编委。同时是本领域4本SCI杂志的编委,包括The Journal of Maternal-Fetal &Neonatal Medicine(SCI杂志)编委、PrenatalDiagnosis(SCI杂志)编委、ChineseMedical Journal(SCI杂志)编委、TheDOHaD Journal(SCI杂志)编委、International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics(SCI杂志)审稿人、中国DOHaD联盟创始人兼共同主席。
1、 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 82071663, 宫内大麻暴露对子代行为的影响及表观遗传学机制研究, 2021-01-01 至 2024-12-31, 55万元, 在研, 主持
2、 国家重点研发计划,2018YFC1002900,重大胎儿疾病宫内诊断和治疗新技术研发,2018/07-2022/06,1247万,已结题,主持
3、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81771591,Δ9-四氢大麻酚对胎盘发育的影响及机制研究,2018/01-2022/12,55万,已结题,主持
4、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81471461,儿茶酚胺氧位甲基转移酶/二甲氧基雌二醇在子痫前期发生中的作用机制,2015/01-2018/12,74万,已结题,主持
5、 上海市优秀学科带头人计划,14XD1403200,DNMT3A对胎盘滋养细胞的调控作用及其与子痫前期发生和发展的关系,2014/07-2017/06,40万,已结题,主持
6、 上海市科委医学重点项目,13411950700,妊娠合并危急重症的早期干预及规范化治疗研究,2013/07-2016/06,30万,已结题,主持
7、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30972823,孕期应激通过干扰海马神经元KIF17的表达和功能导致子代空间认知功能受损,2013/01-2016/12,65万,已结题,主持
8、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81170628,孕期糖皮质激素对子代成年后肥胖症的影响及机制探讨,2012/01-2015/12,30万,已结题,主持
9、 国家科技部“973”项目子课题,2012CB966300,神经分化各阶段细胞命运决定的调控网络研究及其转化应用,2012/01-2016/12,82万,已结题,主持
10、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30972823,基于母血浆胎儿游离 DNA 产前诊断遗传性耳聋的方法学探索,2010/01-2012/12,已结题,主持
1、 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 82071663, 宫内大麻暴露对子代行为的影响及表观遗传学机制研究, 2021-01-01 至 2024-12-31, 55万元, 在研, 主持
2、 国家重点研发计划,2018YFC1002900,重大胎儿疾病宫内诊断和治疗新技术研发,2018/07-2022/06,1247万,已结题,主持
3、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81771591,Δ9-四氢大麻酚对胎盘发育的影响及机制研究,2018/01-2022/12,55万,已结题,主持
4、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81471461,儿茶酚胺氧位甲基转移酶/二甲氧基雌二醇在子痫前期发生中的作用机制,2015/01-2018/12,74万,已结题,主持
5、 上海市优秀学科带头人计划,14XD1403200,DNMT3A对胎盘滋养细胞的调控作用及其与子痫前期发生和发展的关系,2014/07-2017/06,40万,已结题,主持
6、 上海市科委医学重点项目,13411950700,妊娠合并危急重症的早期干预及规范化治疗研究,2013/07-2016/06,30万,已结题,主持
7、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30972823,孕期应激通过干扰海马神经元KIF17的表达和功能导致子代空间认知功能受损,2013/01-2016/12,65万,已结题,主持
8、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81170628,孕期糖皮质激素对子代成年后肥胖症的影响及机制探讨,2012/01-2015/12,30万,已结题,主持
9、 国家科技部“973”项目子课题,2012CB966300,神经分化各阶段细胞命运决定的调控网络研究及其转化应用,2012/01-2016/12,82万,已结题,主持
10、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30972823,基于母血浆胎儿游离 DNA 产前诊断遗传性耳聋的方法学探索,2010/01-2012/12,已结题,主持
1. Peng H (#), Li H (#),Wei Y, Zhang R, Chang X, Meng L, Wang K, He Q (*), Duan T (*). Effects ofprenatal exposure to THC on hippocampal neural development inoffspring. Toxicology letters, 2023,374,48–56 (期刊论文).
2. Zhang D (#), Yu Y(#), Ding C, Zhang R, Duan T (*), Zhou Q (*). Decreased B7-H3 promotesunexplained recurrent miscarriage via RhoA/ROCK2 signaling pathway andregulates the secretion of decidual NK cells. Biology ofreproduction, 2023,108(3),504–518 (期刊论文).
3. Chang X(#), He Q (#), Wei M, Jia L, Wei Y, Bian Y, Duan T (*), Wang K (*). Humanumbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell derived exosomes (HUCMSC-exos) recoverysoluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1)-induced endothelial dysfunction inpreeclampsia. European journal of medical research, 2023, 28(1), 277 (期刊论文).
4. Guo L (#),Liu M, Duan T (*). Hydrogen suppresses oxidative stress by inhibiting the p38MAPK signaling pathway in preeclampsia. Advances in clinical andexperimental medicine : official organ Wroclaw Medical University, 2023, 32(3),357–367 (期刊论文).
5. Zhou W(#), Duan T (*). Effects of maternal calcium and protein intake on thedevelopment and bone metabolism of offspring mice. Open lifesciences, 2023, 18(1), 20220631 (期刊论文).
6. Zhang Y,Betran AP , Li X, Liu D, Yuan N, Shang L, Lin W, Tu S, Wang L, Wu X, Zhu T,Zhang Y, Lu Z, Zheng L, Gu C, Fang J, Liu Z, Ma L, Cai Z, Yang X, … Duan T (*),Zhang J (*). What is an appropriate caesarean delivery rate for China: amulticentre survey. BJOG: an international journal of obstetrics andgynaecology, 2022, 129(1), 138–147 (期刊论文).
7. Zhang R(#), Jia L (#), Meng L, Peng H, Zhang D, He Q, Duan T (*), Wang K (*). PD-L1 enhances migration and invasion oftrophoblasts by upregulating ARHGDIB via transcription factor PU.1. Celldeath discovery, 2022, 8(1), 395 (期刊论文).
8. Zhang D(#), Yu Y (#), Duan T (*), Zhou Q (*). The role of macrophages inreproductive-related diseases. Heliyon, 2022, 8(11), e11686 (期刊论文).
9. Zhao X, Frempong ST, Duan T*.Uric acid levels in gestational hypertensive women predict preeclampsia andoutcome of small-for-gestational-age infants. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2021Sep;34(17):2825-2831. (期刊论文)
10. Liu M, Xue M, Yang Q, Du W,Yan X, Tan J, Duan T(*), Hua J(*). Association between migration status andcaesarean section delivery based on a modified Robson classification in China.BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2021 Mar 17;21(1):215. (期刊论文)
11. Su X, Liu Y, Li G, Liu X,Huang S, Duan T(*), Du Q(*). Associations of Hypothyroxinemia With Risk ofPreeclampsia-Eclampsia and Gestational Hypertension. Front Endocrinol(Lausanne). 2021 Nov 4;12:777152. (期刊论文)
12. Guiying Wang; Jun Yu; YiweiYang; Xiaoqin Liu; Xiaobo Zhao; Xudong Guo; Tao Duan(*); Chenqi Lu(*); JiuhongKang (*); Whole-transcriptome sequencing uncovers core regulatory modules andgene signatures of human fetal growth restriction, Clinical and TranslationalMedicine, 2020, 9(1): 9(期刊论文)
13. Xinwen Chang(#); Julei Yao(#);Qizhi He; Ming Liu; ; Kai Wang(*); Tao Duan(*), Exosomes From Women WithPreeclampsia Induced Vascular Dysfunction by Delivering sFlt (Soluble Fms-LikeTyrosine Kinase)-1 and sEng (Soluble Endoglin) to Endothelial Cells, HYPERTENSION,2018.12.30, 72(6): 1381~1390 (期刊论文)
14. Xinwen Chang(#);Hua Li(#); Yuhong Li; Qizhi He; Julei Yao; Tao Duan(*); Kai Wang(*), RhoA/MLCSignaling Pathway is Involved in Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol-impairedPlacental Angiogenesis, TOXICOLOGY LETTERS, 2018.4, 285: 148~155 (期刊论文)
15. Hua Li(#); JuleiYao; Xinwen Chang; Jingting Wu; Kai Wang(*), TaoDuan(*), LIFR Increases the Release of Soluble Endoglin viathe Upregulation of MMP14 Expression in Preeclampsia, REPRODUCTION, 2018.03,155(3): 297~306 (期刊论文)
16. Luming Sun(#); Gang Zou;Yingjun Yang; Fenhe Zhou; Tao Duan(*), Risk Factors For Fetal Death AfterRadiofrequency Ablation For Complicated Monochorionic Twin Pregnancies, PRENATALDIAGNOSIS, 2018.3.12, 38(无): 499~503 (期刊论文)
17. Julei Yao(#); Qizhi He(#);Ming Liu; Xinwen Chang; Jinting Wu; Tao Duan(*); Kai Wang(*), Effects ofDelta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on Human Amniotic Epithelial CellProliferation and Migration, TOXICOLOGY, 2018.02, 394: 19~26 (期刊论文)
18. Zou G(#), Liu T(*), Guo LH,Huang YY, Feng Y, Duan T(*). MicroRNA-32 silences WWP2 expression to maintainthe pluripotency of human amniotic epithelial stem cells and islet-like celldifferentiation, International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2018,41(4):1983~1991 (期刊论文)
19. Jingping Zhu(#); Kai Wang;Ting Li; Jiayu Chen; Dandan Xie; Xinwen Chang; Julei Yao; Jinting Wu; QianZhou; Yuanhui Jia(*); Tao Duan(*), Hypoxia-induced TET1 Facilitates TrophoblastCell Migration and Invasion Through HIF1 alpha Signaling Pathway, SCIENTIFICREPORTS, 2017.08, 7(1): 1~11 (期刊论文)
20. Xinwen Chang(#); YidingBian(#); Qizhi He; Julei Yao; Jinping Zhu; Jinting Wu; Kai Wang(*); TaoDuan(*), Suppression of STAT3 Signaling by Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)Induces Trophoblast Dysfunction, CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 2017.06,42(2): 537~550 (期刊论文)
21. Chi FL(#), Li KM, Sun J, DuanT(*). Term Delivery in a Woman with Severe Uterine Dehiscence After a PreviousCesarean Section, Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 2017.03.04, 62:200~203 (期刊论文)
22. Yuanhui Jia(#); Ting Li(#);Xiaojie Huang; Xianghong Xu; Xinyao Zhou; Linyan Jia; Jingping Zhu; Dandan Xie;Kai Wang; Qian Zhou; Liping Jin; Jiqin Zhang(*); Tao Duan(*), Dysregulated DNAMethyltransferase 3A Upregulates IGFBP5 to Suppress Trophoblast Cell Migrationand Invasion in Preeclampsia. , Hypertension, 2017.2.01, 69(2): 356~366 (期刊论文)
23. Xinli Xiang(#); DepengZhao(#); Chonglan Gao; Kai Wang; Qian Zhou; Jiuhong Kang; Tao Duan(*), MaternalAdministration of Magnesium Sulfate Promotes Cell Proliferation in HippocampusDentate Gyrus in Offspring Mice After Exposing to Prenatal Stress, InternationalJournal of Developmental Neuroscience, 2017.2, 56: 52~57 (期刊论文)
24. Gang Zou(#); Te Liu; Lihe Guo;Yongyi huang; Ya Feng; Qin Huang; Tao Duan(*), miR-145 Modulates IncRNA-ROR andSox2 Expression to Maintain Human Amniotic Epithelial Stem Cell Pluripotencyand beta Islet-like Cell Differentiation Efficiency, GENE, 2016.10.10, 591(1):48~57 (期刊论文)
25. Wu JT(#), Yao JL, Wang K(*),Duan T(*). Expression of lysyl oxidase (LOX) in human placental amnion inpreterm labor, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology,2016.09.15, 9(9):9231~9236 (期刊论文)
26. Zhou J(#), Ni XT, Huang XJ,Yao JL, He QZ, Wang K(*), Duan T(*). Potential Role of Hyperglycemia inFetoplacental Endothelial Dysfunction in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus,Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 2016.09.08, 39(4):1317~1328 (期刊论文)
27. Yanming Wu(#); Xiao Chen;Xinwen Chang; Yajing Huang; Shihua Bao; QizhivHe; Yan Li; Jing Zheng; TaoDuan(*); Kai Wang(*), Potential Involvement of Placental AhR in UnexplainedRecurrent Spontaneous Abortion, REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY, 2016.1, 59: 45~52 (期刊论文)
28. Zhou, Jian(#); Ni,Xiaotian(#); Huang, Xiaojie; Yao, Julei; He, Qizhi; Wang, Kai(*); Duan, Tao(*),Potential Role of Hyperglycemia in Fetoplacental Endothelial Dysfunction inGestational Diabetes Mellitus. , Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 2016,39(4): 1317~1328 (期刊论文)
29. Yajing Huang(#); Yanming Wu;Xinwen Chang; Yan Li; Kai Wang(*); Tao Duan(*), Effects of Human Umbilical CordMesenchymal Stem Cells on Human Trophoblast Cell Functions In Vitro. , StemCells Int, 2016, 2016: 9156731~9156731 (期刊论文)
30. Meng Meng(#); Xuchao Li(#);Huijuan Ge(#); Fang Chen; Mingyu Han; Yanyan Zhang; Dongyang Kang; Weiwei Xie;Zhiying Gao; Xiaoyu Pan; Pu Dai; Fanglu Chi; Shengpei Chen; Ping Liu; ChunleiZhang; Jianjun Cao; Hui Jiang; Xun Xu; Wei Wang(*); Tao Duan(*), NoninvasivePrenatal Testing For Autosomal Recessive Conditions By Maternal PlasmaSequencing In A Case Of Congenital Deafness. , Genetics in Medicine, 2014.12,16(12): 972~976 (期刊论文)
31. Shen ZJ(#), Wu YM(#), Chen X,Chang XW, Zhou Q, Zhou J, Ying H, Zheng J, Duan T(*), Wang K(*), DecreasedMaternal Serum 2-Methoxyestradiol Levels are Associated with the Development ofPreeclampsia, Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 2014.12.04,34(06):2189~2199 (期刊论文)
32. Yuyan Ai(#); Qidong Liu; YanyiLi; Tao Duan(*), Progesterone Signaling/miR-200a/zeb2 Axis RegulatesSelf-renewal of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells , Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy,2014.3, 68(2): 201~208 (期刊论文)
1. 段涛. 主编. 《早产》,人民卫生出版社,北京,2023年,第一版. (ISBN: 9787117345736)
2. 段涛,杨慧霞,李婷. 主译. 《产科手术学(第13版)》. 人民卫生出版社,北京,2023年,第一版. (ISBN: 9787117340021)
3. 谢幸,孔北华,段涛. 主编. 《妇产科学(第9版)》. 人民卫生出版社,北京,2018年,第一版. (ISBN: 9787117264396)
4. 段涛,李婷. 主译.《威廉姆斯产科手册(中文翻译版 原书第23版)》,科学出版社,北京,2018年,第一版.(ISBN: 9787030572066)
5. 段涛,杨慧霞. 主译. 《产科手术学第12版翻译版》,人民卫生出版社,北京,2016年,第一版.(ISBN: 9787117220811)
6. 刘兴会,徐先明,段涛,杨慧霞. 主编.《实用产科手术学》,人民卫生出版社,北京,2014年,第一版.(ISBN: 9787117181280)